for Couples, Families, and Individuals

Desperate for Change?
Benefits of a Therapy Intensive
Freedom from the control of a clock
No more running out of time just as you start to have a breakthrough. During intensive sessions, Dennis’ day is dedicated to you. That means your schedule will flex around what is best for you. We will take breaks at natural transition points in the therapy process, not when the clock says it’s time.
Build on back-to-back progress throughout the day
No trying to remember where we left off a week or more ago. Whether we break for a few minutes or overnight, the experience and progress you have made is readily accessible when you return. That means less wasted time getting back to the heart of what needs to be worked on.
Intense experiences forge resilient bonds
Going through an intense emotional or physical experience together creates and deepens bonds. Similar to team members on a week long volunteer project or mission trip, EFT Intensives create a bonding atmosphere. This makes it easier for your brains to retrieve your new learning and experience.
How to Get Started
1-Schedule Consult
First, use our online scheduling tool to book a free 20-minute consultation and see if an intensive with Infinity Family Therapy is a good fit for your marriage, your family, or yourself.
You can also call us or submit an online request.
2-Attend Consultation
Second, during this consultation you will discuss your goals for an intensive and Dennis will review intensive benefits, risks, and considerations.
For couples intensives both partners must attend.
For family intensives all adults must attend.
3-Schedule Intensive
Next, if an intensive is right for you, or your marriage or family, Dennis will help you schedule one that fits your lifestyle. You can book dates during the consult or by email after.
Once you book your dates a deposit is due and you will receive initial paperwork.
4-Prepare & Attend
The final step is to complete initial paperwork after scheduling, then show up at your dedicated time, ready for change in an intense, immersive atmosphere.
Prior to your intensive, consider reading Love Sense or Hold Me Tight® by Sue Johnson in preparation.
Intensive Format Options
2 or 3 Full Days (traditional format)
Jump start your emotionally focused journey with a traditional 2 or 3 day Intensive.
•2 or 3 days back-to-back
•5 to 6 hours of therapy per day
• 2.5 to 3 hours morning & afternoon
•5- to 10-minute breaks during morning and afternoon sessions
•1- to 1.5-hour lunch break
The fee is $1,500 per day.
An option for co-therapy with Dennis and Kim together is also available.
1 or 2 Week
A Therapy Vacay takes a more moderate pace to an intensive, leaving you and your partner (or family) time to play together.
•Morning therapy Monday – Friday
•Vacation the rest of the day
•1 – 2 week options
Kim and I created two Therapy Vacays during our own EFT journey. Now we can help you create a therapeutic vacation that fits your style and budget.
The fee is $3,750 per week.
An option for co-therapy with Dennis and Kim together is also available.
2-3 One Day Sessions
spread over weeks
If you live in the Puget Sound this could be a good option. Enjoy the benefits of booking full days dedicated to your needs not the clock, spread over a month.
•5 to 6 hours of therapy per day
• 2.5 to 3 hours morning & afternoon
•5- to 10-minute breaks during morning and afternoon sessions
•1- to 1.5-hour lunch break
The fee is $1,500 per day.
An option for co-therapy with Dennis and Kim together is also available